Irene Luna and Breanna Davis

Nursing students, Irene (27) and Breanna (30) discuss starting nursing school during a pandemic.

Carrie Kilpatrick-White, Christi Crowley and Therese Lewandowski

Christi and Carrie share about some of the tender, joyful, healing moments of Camp Erin to provide a safe and loving place for children who have lost a loved one to be with other children and teens who are also...

Danielle Jenkins and Marie Ballance

Danielle shares with Marie her story of always wanting to be a mother and trying for 5 years to get pregnant as a single mom. When she finally got pregnant at 41 she miscarried the baby and the trauma and...

Robin Slemenda and Liz Wessel

Robin shared about her life journey with living her life as a vocation and the influence her mother had on her life. She was a pillar of strength. Her mom modeled a life of generous giving to help some of...

Joyce Agyin and Angela Marith

Joyce shares the story of giving birth to her first born and health discrepancies she faced as a woman of color and what she learned and how it helped her when faced with some of the same issues with her...

Kathy Edge and Stacie Clark

Stacie shares about how her role as the Clinical Community Liaison at Providence hospice helps foster teamwork and care for patients. She shares her admiration for the sacrifices, creativity nd deep care she has witnesses in caregivers working in facilities...

Cayce Kaufman and Leonard Gillard

Cayce shares with Leonard her experience working at Providence and watching how hard everyone was working to combat the pandemic only to find herself on the other side of the windshield when they came out to test her and her...

Elizabeth Garman and Rachel Manchester

Elizabeth shared her amazing life journey, teen pregnancy, loss of baby, humanitarian work with hemophilia education in impoverished countries, COVID journey and loss of family members, strength in adversity, a life of meaning and purpose, Providence mission. faith, leading with...