Joseph Lopez & Scott Acord

Joseph shares his story as a troubled youth leading to being incarcerated 5 times before handing his life over to Jesus, and turning his life around. He now has a thriving closet business in Southern California and in his spare...

Allan Komarek & Melody Fawcett

Allan is the recipient of the 2021 nursing Leadership Award and a conversation ensues that provides Allan an opportunity to share his story and view on leadership, philosophy, nursing career, and discrimination towards being gay.

Benjamin Marshall & Laura Smith

Laura recently met Benjamin, who went to school with her brother, Berkeley, who has Down syndrome. Benjamin sat next to Berkeley in sixth grade and he talked about the impact that year had on his life. Because of his exposure...

James Villalobos and Melody Fawcett

James discussed his upbringing in a loving family and faith. His mom being a beacon of love and support. He also discussed his mom's cancer diagnosis. He discussed the sacred encounter he had with his mom, a conversation that changed...

Carrissa Hsieh and Olivia Ramos

Olivia Ramos, Providence employee and veteran Camp Erin volunteer shares with Carrissa a fellow Camp Erin volunteer about her relationship with Erin Metcalf before she died of cancer at age 17 and how that relationship with Erin and her family...

Shari Small & Scott Acord

Shari recalls the story of how she met the love of her life, the six foot-five, John Small. She was married at the time, but was instantly drawn to his charm and good looks. They quickly developed a deep friendship...

Sr. Susanne Hartung & Mary Anne Sladich-Lantz with Rosanne Ponzetti

Dear friends, Sr. Susanne & Mary Anne, shared stories of their long friendship, what drives them to do the work they love so much, and their faith & faith traditions. Sr. Susanne also talked about have cancer twice and the...

Carol "Mitzi" Rossmann and Deanna Drake

A friend, family member, volunteer and employee of The Mount shares her story about how The Mount has shaped her to be the person she is today. She reflects on her deep commitment to The Mount mission and culture.