Lydia Mbiyu and Victoria Johnson

Lydia Mbiyu (34) shares with her sister and friend, Victoria Johnson (25), some of her childhood experiences and memories of cooking and food. Lydia also discusses how influential her mom and grandmother are to her.

Joyce Dombrouski & Larry White

Joyce and Larry discuss leadership at St. Patrick Hospital in Missoula, MT and compare and contrast some of the challenges, like COVID-19 they've faced.

Kathy Edge and Stacie Clark

Stacie shares about how her role as the Clinical Community Liaison at Providence hospice helps foster teamwork and care for patients. She shares her admiration for the sacrifices, creativity nd deep care she has witnesses in caregivers working in facilities...

Robert Luck and Jeff Cohen

Robert talks about meeting his wife, Ellen, in Hawaii where they both grew up. He also talks about what he has learned about himself to his marriage, being a father, being a social worker and now volunteer.

Meredith Rowland and Liz Wessel

Meredith talks with her colleague, Liz, about her journey to her nursing career, starting in a veterinary clinic, the Army, and finally Cal State Fullerton. She and Liz talk about working in Home Health and the challenges, and joys of...

Scott Acord and Randy Crane

Randy Crane (46) talks with Scott Acord (59) about his journey from being a minister to working in a Christian finance company before he found the job that most suits him at Providence.

Kate De Sousa and Jamie Welch

Jamie and Kate talk about their experience working in a SNF during the COVID pandemic. Includes stories of vaccinated residents testing positive after exposure by unvaccinated healthcare workers, and a plea for vaccination.

Beth Peterson & Will Rogers

Beth, a nurse working in information services, recently won a nurse of the year award at Providence. She talks about the joy and rewards of her job, how things have changed because of the pandemic and what she has learned...