Holly & Bentley Fox

Holly talks about being an advocate for her trans daughter and how that led her to becoming a member of several PFAC (Patient Family Advisory Council) groups before she found one at the Institute for Human Caring that was advocating...

Willie Hensley and Angela Marith

Willie, a native Alaskan Iñupiaq, speaks with Angela about how the influx of Russians, Europeans and Americans into Alaska has had on their culture, health and livelihood. Outsiders unintentionally brought diseases decimating much of the native Alaskan populations. Unable to...

Kimberly Olvera and Dianne Chavez

Two caregivers share their perspectives on their work in home healthcare and the insurance process Serendipity brought Kimberly to Providence. For Dianne, her grandmothers' health journey led her to want to work in healthcare so she could make a difference...

Leonard Gillard and Cayce Kaufman

Leonard shares with Cayce his story about his father was in the military and they lived all over only to move back to his home state of Texas and how he reluctantly became a weather man to working in healthcare.

Dr. Glen Komatsu & Rayna Oliver

Dr. Komatsu talks about the importance of listening in healthcare. The first step to providing good healthcare is listening to the patient before deciding on a treatment plan. Another step to providing good healthcare is to involve the patient in...

Sabrina Carver and Rachel Erickson

Sabrina (44) and Rachel (36) talk about what brought them to Providence as young CNAs and the Mission that has kept them here as they have developed their nursing careers. Includes stories of loss, grief, and the support they received...

Christine Kostrubala and Sarah Rasmussen

Christine shares personal stories about the challenges of getting good healthcare as a deaf person. Being disrespected, misinterpreted, and not being able to trust doctors and others in the healthcare system.

Tracy Lee & Diamond Lee

Tracy Lee sat down with her daughter Diamond on her 50th birthday to share a story of her journey as a child growing up in poverty, forging a path in healthcare and passion for making a difference through inspiration.