Suzy Banuelos & Rebecca Webster

Suzy & Rebecca both work for Providence Health in Napa California, but met because of their love of volunteer work they love to do in their community. One of those community outreach programs Providence works with is the Napa Resource...

Beth Peterson & Will Rogers

Beth, a nurse working in information services, recently won a nurse of the year award at Providence. She talks about the joy and rewards of her job, how things have changed because of the pandemic and what she has learned...

Nanci Friedmann & Scott Acord

Nanci speaks about her experience working at a retirement home for priests during COVID. She highlights the importance of building trusting relationships. the reciprocal nature of love, and importance of self-care.

Dolores Melchor and Crystal Tyni

Dolores and Crystal share what brought them to their current careers. Dolores shares why she became a C.N.A and talks about her transition from SNF to Home Health. Crystal shares why she became a nurse and her experience working for...