Sister Rita Bergamini & Molly Swain

Sr. Rita first lived at Providence Mount St. Vincent (The Mount) when she was a novice back in 1947 and later took her vows at the chapel there. After leaving for her first mission, she returned in 1972 and became...

Karen Summers and Liz Wessel

Liz interviews Karen about what brought her to Providence, and Karen's experience as a Providence caregiver for 31 years. They also discuss Covid pandemic, recent DEI work, and the effects on caregivers.

Rachel Manchester and Melody Fawcett

Rachel Manchester shares about her career at Providence foundational is her faith, Start-up program Hospital At Home. happiness is a choice, clinical excellence, passion for living our Mission our true source of power, God, a calling, serving, leaving things better...

John Lee & Quinn Riddle

Longtime friends, John (41) and Quinn (40), sit to talk about their time in the Peace Corps. How the Peace Corps changed them and the friendships and gifts they received from their time in service.

Karen Summers & Scott Acord

Karen shares a story about the role her Catholic faith has played in her life and how it has led to her work in mission support at Providence. She also talks about what Christmas means to her and the holiday...

Carol "Mitzi" Rossmann and Deanna Drake

A friend, family member, volunteer and employee of The Mount shares her story about how The Mount has shaped her to be the person she is today. She reflects on her deep commitment to The Mount mission and culture.

Elizabeth Garman and Rachel Manchester

Elizabeth shared her amazing life journey, teen pregnancy, loss of baby, humanitarian work with hemophilia education in impoverished countries, COVID journey and loss of family members, strength in adversity, a life of meaning and purpose, Providence mission. faith, leading with...