Llyn Kawasaki and Alice Chung

Llyn talks about her family's experience in a Japanese internment camp. She talks about the impact that had on her family and community, and then the conversation moves on to her personal history as she reaches a huge milestone -...

Lorrie Shamarin and Ross Robinson

Lorrie and Ross talk about the ice cream shop (Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour) that Lorrie's dad, Jack Fecker, owned in Seattle, WA, and his innovative ideas for promoting the shop. Lorrie also remembers her dad passing down the wisdom to...

Sarim Marith & Angela Marith

Sarim and her family are Cambodia refugees who came to the US in 1975. She talks with her daughter-in-law, Angela about the barriers she faces with her doctors because her English is not great. How not fully understanding the language...

James Manning and Michele Manning Herman

Michele talks with her dad Col. James Manning about how his Army career led him to Washington State. James explains the importance of a living will and advance directive.