John-Paul Ramirez & Montserrat Archila

John-Paul and Montserrat about growing up in the U.S as members of the Latin-A, (LatinX, Hispanic, Latino) community, not fitting into a box and sometimes feeling ostracized by the Latin-A communities as well as they communities where they lived, worked...

Alex Mason & Ryan Berger

Alex shares with Ryan how when he went searching for a more meaningful job he stumbled on Providence's St. Joseph hospital, the place he was born. Alex talks about how rewarding his job is, working with the elderly and what...

Irene Luna and Breanna Davis

Nursing students, Irene (27) and Breanna (30) discuss starting nursing school during a pandemic.

Elizabeth Garman and Rachel Manchester

Elizabeth shared her amazing life journey, teen pregnancy, loss of baby, humanitarian work with hemophilia education in impoverished countries, COVID journey and loss of family members, strength in adversity, a life of meaning and purpose, Providence mission. faith, leading with...

Christian Diance & Scott Acord

Christian wanted to be a nurse from an early age after watching his immigrant mother get her nursing degree and help lift the family out of poverty. He also talks about his work with Stop the Bleed.

Markus Hofmann and Rosemary Hofmann

Markus (57) talks with his mother, Rosemary (91) about her life as a musician, teacher, performer, spiritual life connected to Bach, being adopted, WWII, on list to be deported from Germany

Tiffanie Walker & Montserrat Archila

Tiffanie shares with her friend and co-worker, Montserrat, the significance of Juneteenth in her life and historically. How she strives everyday to make sure everyone feels included so future generations will celebrate diversity.