Jessica Quintal Alverez & Jennifer Eid Ammons

Colleagues Jessica and Jennifer work on the Mobile Medical Van community outreach program for Providence Health in Sonoma County, California. In order to gain the trust of the homeless community they serve, they take a personalized approach by getting to...

Gwendolyn Patefield and Ian Stanley Posada

Gwendolyn shares her coming out as transgender story with Ian and even though it has costs her jobs, relationships, her home and for a time caused her to live in crisis, but being correctly gendered makes it all worthwhile

Patrick Nickell & Scott Acord

Patrick shared in an earlier story about being raised in Foster Care - this is his story once he aged out and the "system" was done with him. Without having been taught much in the way of life-skills, Patrick struggled...

Mafe Chase & Melissa Tiberio

Mafe & Melissa talk about the work the volunteer work they do to make and distribute hygiene kits to the local homeless population. This seemingly small act of kindness goes a long way to give some dignity and basic healthcare...