Stevie Merino & Angela Marith

Stevie talks about the health disparities and racism she's faced and witnessed while working in the healthcare industry when it comes to giving birth and postpartum

Sauleiha Akangbe & Safia Alakbar

Sauleiha manages the Just Birth program for Swedish in Tacoma. She spoke with her sister, Safia about the importance for this work and how it benefits the Black, Indigenous and Asian Pacific populations of her community. She also talked about...

Vinny Fox & Henry Fox

Vinny knew from an early age they were non-binary. They didn't have the language, but knew that in their conservative city in Georgia, being non-binary meant being ostracized and punished. It wasn't until college that they had any positive gender...

Holly & Bentley Fox

Holly talks about being an advocate for her trans daughter and how that led her to becoming a member of several PFAC (Patient Family Advisory Council) groups before she found one at the Institute for Human Caring that was advocating...

Jenn Burleton & Bentley Fox

Jenn talks about being of woman of transgender experience who also identifies as lesbian. Jenn is an advocate for the transgender community and a member of the Providence's PFAC (Patient Family Advisory Council) helping to make changes in healthcare for...

Jami Gramore & Scott Acord

Jami, is an only child for their adopted parents and has a complicated relationship with them mainly because of their gender identity of queer/nonbinary. Throughout their life they have struggled with depression and anxiety, but are working through it with...

Joyce Agyin and Angela Marith

Joyce shares the story of giving birth to her first born and health discrepancies she faced as a woman of color and what she learned and how it helped her when faced with some of the same issues with her...

Sam Pelger & Erin Pelger

Erin talks with her son Sam about his coming out as trans. The hard conversations, the obstacles, and his desire to live openly and honestly. Getting to start testosterone and living as the person he has always been. Sam knows...

Carmen Marshall & Elbe

Carmen and Elbe met a few months prior at a support group Elbe started for parents of LGBTQ kids in their conservative town. They’re both parents of a transgendered child. Carmen talks about what she has learned and the support...