Joseph Lopez & Scott Acord

Joseph shares his story as a troubled youth leading to being incarcerated 5 times before handing his life over to Jesus, and turning his life around. He now has a thriving closet business in Southern California and in his spare...

Pema Choden & Dan Hudson

Pema shared the story of her family's escape from Tibet and how they eventually came to live in the U.S. She also talked about her families relationship with the Dalia Lama.

Sijaama Branch & Scott Acord

Sijaama shares her story of having sickle cell disease. How she felt embarrassed as a kid and hid it from everyone but her family. Over the years she has learned to manage the symptoms, but still has moments where she...

June Cena & Jerry Heraz

June, a Values in Action award nominee, and his manager Jerry discussed the values and work ethic that led to his five nominations. June attributes his strong work ethic to his parents and expresses gratitude for his supportive management and...

Benjamin Marshall & Laura Smith

Laura recently met Benjamin, who went to school with her brother, Berkeley, who has Down syndrome. Benjamin sat next to Berkeley in sixth grade and he talked about the impact that year had on his life. Because of his exposure...

David Levi Wilson & Will Rogers

David speaks to Will from his hospital bed about some of the injuries he has suffered over the years that has put him in the hospital. Shares stories about his life, loves, family and all of the jobs he's had...

Kate McGraw & Scott Acord

Kate, shares stories about Sr Emilie Gamelin and her impact on her community and those around her. Sr. Emilie began the celebration of Table of the King to honor those who were most vulnerable.

Karen Ashley & Mike Drummond

As a Black woman, Karen has faced racism in the workplace and has been the only person of color in a meeting many times throughout her career. She shares with Mike what drew her to the DEI work she does...

Ashley Jardin and JP Ramirez

Ashley & JP have a conversation about the Aloha spirit, people of Hawaii, and what it means to "talk story" sharing ourselves, the importance of honoring a people's culture with respect, living our values, being in good company with each...