Simona Trakiyska & Scott Acord

Simona has created a life for herself where she is able to travel for extended periods of time and work from wherever she happens to land. This semi-nomadic life allows her to get immersed in other cultures, meet locals and...

Scott Acord and Randy Crane

Randy Crane (46) talks with Scott Acord (59) about his journey from being a minister to working in a Christian finance company before he found the job that most suits him at Providence.

Jitka Prokesova & Rori Harris-Killough

Jitka shares her story of getting her nursing degree in communist ruled Czechoslovakia in 1985 and defecting to the U.S. two years later. In the U.S. she couldn't work as a nurse but it was all she ever wanted to...

Kimberly Malinowski & Scott Acord

Kimberly worked as a pediatric nurse during the COVID-19 outbreak of 2020, subsequently receiving an award as "a nursing hero of our time." She worked tirelessly to get PPE and scale up operations.