Chika Offurum and Chapin Montague

Chika Offurum (48) shares with her colleague Chapin Montague (23) her experience advocating for a higher quality of education as a student and child of immigrant parents from Nigeria.

LueRachelle Brim-Atkins and Jacquelyn Howard

Friends LueRachelle Brim-Atkins (76) and Jacquelyn Howard [no age given] discuss LueRachelle's childhood in Texas and her experiences with desegregation at the University of Texas. After college, LueRachelle took an internship as a teacher in Rochester, NY, and ultimately moved...

Susan Gardner and Lillian Gardner

Susan Gardner (65) speaks with her mother, Lillian Gardner (98), about their lives in Tennessee during the time of school desegregation. The two discuss the integrated Girl Scout troop they were involved in and experiencing the first year of school...

Grayce Gadson and Kleopatra Gaiter

Grayce Gadson (71) shares with her colleague Kleopatra Gaiter (32) anecdotes from her time as a student in Florida, Indiana, and California during the desegregation of schools in America. Grayce and Kleopatra compare their varying experience with school institutions, specifically...