Thu Pham and Liz Wessel

Thu shared her story and Journey from Vietnam to the united States with her village. Thu discussed how their strong faith and love of their family kept them strong.

Cornelius Vink, Catharina Vink, and Amanda Testa

Cornelius Vink (86) and his wife Catharine Vink (86) talk about their childhoods, first meeting and raising a family together. They also discuss their separate experiences during World War II. Catharina shares memories of growing up during the Japanese occupation...

Claire and Peter Warton

A Bridge of Hope; Peter and Claire look back on their life together that began when Claire met Peter when she he was 6 and she 16 and how they reconnected 20 years later when Claire was a violist in...

Scott Acord and Lynn Taylor

Lynn (68) shares her story from college professor to hospice volunteer to board member and board chair at TrinityCare.

Chad Ricks & Montserrat Archila

Chad shares with Montserrat the significance of Juneteenth and what it means to him. The importance knowing your personal and cultural history. Letting his spiritually help guide him when he faces challenges in his life.

Tracy Lee & Diamond Lee

Tracy Lee sat down with her daughter Diamond on her 50th birthday to share a story of her journey as a child growing up in poverty, forging a path in healthcare and passion for making a difference through inspiration.

Kathy Edge and Stacie Clark

Stacie shares about how her role as the Clinical Community Liaison at Providence hospice helps foster teamwork and care for patients. She shares her admiration for the sacrifices, creativity nd deep care she has witnesses in caregivers working in facilities...

Tiffanie Walker & Montserrat Archila

Tiffanie shares with her friend and co-worker, Montserrat, the significance of Juneteenth in her life and historically. How she strives everyday to make sure everyone feels included so future generations will celebrate diversity.

Peter Lucero & Dr. Doug Wilson

Peter shared with his doctor, Doug Wilson, a little bit about his life and childhood and a recent experience he had involving Dr. Wilson. Peter recently died and came back with CPR and it has had profound affect on his...