Atra Flemons and Khadijah Shabazz

Atra Flemons (61) interviews her friend Khadijah Shabazz (62) about her experience with mass incarceration and how she has become an advocate for families who have lost loved ones to police violence.

Sabrina King and Stephanie Williams

Sabrina King (20) interviews Stephanie Williams (51) about her experience organizing and advocating for her community, reflecting on the barriers she has overcome as a Black woman in politics and the importance of representation. In 2018, Stephanie became the first...

Portia Wofford and Sarah Warren

Friends and colleagues Portia Wofford (34) and Sarah Warren (24) share their experiences as nurses and consider how social media can help with healthcare advocacy.

Leah Moore and Roshanna Beard

Colleagues Leah Moore (40) and Roshanna Beard (33) talk about their experiences and journeys as educators. They discuss the importance of advocating for their students and families, and remember becoming PBS Kids Early Learning Champions.

Bridget Graham and Lisa Jones

Sister-friends Bridget Graham [no age given] and Lisa Jones [no age given] talk about the longevity and closeness of their relationship over the course of many changes in their lives. They reflect on first connecting in high school, on the...

Sharron Brown and L.C. Myles

Dr. L.C. Myles Jr. (54) interviews his wife, Ambassador Dr. Sharron J. Brown (51), about her life, touching on her experiences with abuse and human trafficking, and her life now writing and speaking on those topics.

Audrey Morrissey and Lisa Goldblatt Grace

Co-Executive Directors Audrey Morrissey (58) and Lisa Goldblatt Grace (53) of My Life My Choice remember their first meeting, reflect on the growth of their organization My Life My Choice, and discuss the importance of uplifting the voices of survivors...