Virginia Fraire and Jacob Fraire

Virginia Fraire [no age given] and Jacob Fraire [no age given] discuss immigration to the United States, growing up in poverty, and the importance of education. Jacob and his family immigrated from Mexico to the United States, where they were...

Liduvina Rivera and Jose Aguinaga

Liduvina Rivera (83) speaks with her son, Jose Aguinaga (45) about her happy childhood, her leadership in local organizations, and her faith.

Margarita [No Name Given] and Pat Medige

Colleagues Margarita [No Name Given] (31) and Pat Medige (57) share a conversation about immigration, focusing in particular on Margarita's experience coming to the United States and eventually gaining DACA status. Margarita also reflects on the importance of education to...

Antonio Santos and Naomi Love

Antonio Santos (48) and Naomi Love (27) discuss Antonio's early life and childhood in El Paso, Texas, including when he and a group of other students sued the U.S. Border Patrol while he was in high school. Additionally, they discuss...