Meaghan Young and Céire Smyth Martínez

One Small Step partners, Meaghan Young (42) and Céire Smyth Martínez (41) discuss the importance of human rights, their respective journey's with grief, and their hopes for the future.

Dio Hadley and Valerie Smith

Valerie Smith (49) shares a conversation with her son, Dio Hadley (15), about his gender identity, pronouns, support system, interest in baking, and experiences with grief and divorce. They also talk about hispanic culture, religion, and their relationship.

Celia Flores and Cristina Flores

Cristina, 30, speaks to mother, Celia, 59, about the dath of nephew, David, 22 years ago and the impact it had on their family. Cristina, 30 años, habla con su mama, Celia, 59 años, sobre la muerte de su sobrina,...

Daisy Lynton and Deidad Vega

Friends Daisy Lynton (71) and Deidad “Enid” Vega (57) share a conversation about Daisy’s life growing up in Panama, how she came to the US, her work as a nurse, and her time living in Germany, El Paso, and Georgia,...