Kym Klapperich and Roger Thompson

Kym Klapperich (57) interviews her friend Roger Thompson (72) about his experience in Vietnam, what it was like being a prisoner of war, and the people he met who changed his life.

Fred Jones and Rachel Schmidt

Rachel Schmidt (41) sits down with her father, Fred Jones (79), to ask him about his young adult years. Fred shares stories from his time studying at the Georgia Institute of Technology and from his time serving in the U.S....

Melissa Smith and Matt S

Spouses, Melissa Smith (37) and Matt S (39), sit down for a conversation about their relationship, their experiences serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, and the decisions they had to make in order to start a family together.

Shakoya Hoyte and Jeb Backe

Shakoya Hoyte (21) speaks with StoryCorps Facilitator, Jeb Backe (26), about her upbringing and her current military career. Shakoya describes her reasoning to be in the military— so that her education can be payed for and she may one day...