Norman Hatter and Steve McCutchan

Friends Norman Hatter (79) and Steven McCutchan (80) discuss meeting civil rights leaders Martin Luther King Jr., and Stokely Carmichael. They talk about guiding their churches through racism and racial equity as they both have served different types of Christian...

Denise McGough and Michael Lombardi

One Small Step conversation partners Denise McGough (65) and Michael "Mike" Lombardi (70) explore their shared values of respectful communication across political difference, shared experiences as Americans abroad, and reflect on current issues we face such as structural racism, healthcare...

Dennis Pierce and Moni Grushkin

One Small Step conversation partners Dennis Pierce (81) and Moni Grushkin (59) explore their political views on a range of issues, and find common ground on values, in spite of political differences

Amaryllis Rieck and Fred Edward

Fred Edward (82) shares about his life with his friend Amaryllis Rieck (48). Fred talks about his experience in the Air Force during the Vietnam and Korean War, draws parallels between the Civil Rights Movement and the current Black Lives...

Suzi [No Name Given] and Charles Bolton

One Small Step partners Suzi [No Name Given] (75) and Charles "Roger" Bolton (68) discuss their views on abortion, how history will view January 6, and whether impeachment proceedings against presidents help our country.

Victor Acevedo and Ajax Greene

One Small Step partners Victor Acevedo (61) and Ajax Greene (66) discuss understanding LGBTQ identities as straight cis men, whether businesses should take political stands, and their fears around aging and disability.

Dina Jackson and John McMichael

One Small Step Conversation partners Dina Jackson [no age given] and John "Wes" McMichael (47) talk about their experiences in the Baptist church, acceptance and understanding of LGBTQIA+ friends and family, and the stereotypes they both have faced.