Vanessa Schoon Smith and Heather Brownlie

One Small Step partners Vanessa Schoon Smith (45) and Heather Brownlie (50) discuss the assumptions people make about them, political extremism drowning out moderatism, social media encouraging divisiveness, and their hopes for the future.

Patty Devery and Justin Cummins

One Small Step conversation partners Patty (40) and Justin (32) have a conversation about their recent weddings, dogs, and families. They bond over both getting married recently and having connections to Chicago. Justin describes his large wedding in Savannah, while...

Justin Cummins and Jenni Lippold

Justin (32) and Jenni (42), strangers participating in the One Small Step program, have a conversation about their lives, families, and communities. They discuss their daughters, living through COVID, and buying houses in the suburbs.

Sunni Wong and Justin Cummins

Sunny Wong (40) and Justin (32) discuss their backgrounds, families, jobs, and living situations. Sunny recently moved from Hong Kong to New York, where he works in archives, while Justin lives in Atlanta with his wife, daughter, and foster dogs.