Jennifer Kingsby and Rachelle McFeely

One Small Step conversation partners Jennifer Kingsby (49) and Rachelle McFeely (52) share stories and insights from from their respective careers in sports medicine and business management. The two go on to discuss topics such as social work, adjusting to...

Patty Devery and Justin Cummins

One Small Step conversation partners Patty (40) and Justin (32) have a conversation about their recent weddings, dogs, and families. They bond over both getting married recently and having connections to Chicago. Justin describes his large wedding in Savannah, while...

Patti Victor and Greg George

One Small Step conversation partners Patti Victor (67) and Greg George (30) discuss how they were actually raised with very similar values instilled into them and how each of them channeled this into the life they've created for themselves.

Jane Moore and Kristine Anderson

One Small Step conversation partners Kristine Anderson (73) and Jane Moore (55) discuss their jobs as teacher and NICU nurse respectively, how they have loved ones who differ with them greatly on politics, and what it means to live in...