Grandma Dias Thanksgiving 2023

Lydia Dias (14) Interviewed Grandma Nancy Dias (80) on November 24, 2023. They talked about advice for younger generations, Grandpa Jack, Lydias' Dad, and more.

Historical Interview, Thomas Hostetler

Robert Boyle, age 16, interviews Thomas Hostetler, age 65, who is Robert’s Great Uncle about some of his life experiences. Some of which were employment struggles, creating a family, some of his best/worst memories, and struggles with faith.

Brunner, Kate (Thanksgiving interview with my mom)

My mom Dana Boyd talks about her and her job in insurance. She explains how it changed her view on things and why she chose to do it. It also gives you a look on what insurance does for people.

Restaurant buisness

In this interview, I interview my dad, Mario Boccardi. I ask him questions about his job and what advice he gives to others who want to follow the same path. Take a listen!

Interview with Ukrainian

Seth Bekker interviewing his grandma Liana Bekker about her life in Ukraine and her life in America.

Vietnamese Parents Share Stories

Sarah Nguyen and Phoung Nguyen are a married Vietnamese couple who share their stories about life. They discuss about their experiences about being immigrants, people in their life who have interesting stories, and advice they have to the future generations.

Bethany and Scott – 12/05/23

Bethany Everts (19) interviews her friend’s father Scott Deckert (52). They discuss the path to finding your career, future goals and advice for college students.