my mom

This is an interview between Kaylyn who is 16 years old and her mom Sarah who is 54 years old. Together, they unpack Sarah’s experiences with immigrating to the US, the challenges of parenthood, and the achievement of independence as...

arab israeli war

in this interview i had my dad participate. his name is khaled salha. He was 57 years olds. we taled about how the war affected his childhood, history about the war, and jf he has power what would he do

Interview with Ukrainian

Seth Bekker interviewing his grandma Liana Bekker about her life in Ukraine and her life in America.

Rosa G: la historia de su inmigración a los dieciocho años.
December 12, 2023 App Interview

Rosa y su historia de inmigración ella emigró en 1994 a la edad de dieciocho años hablamos sobre el motivo y cómo se adaptó a la nueva vida y los desafíos que enfrentó. Y otras preguntas fueron respondidas en base...

English SPA – American Immigration

Interview of Anj Bryant by her son, Alex Bryant, on what the process of immigrating over to the United States from the Philippines was like.

Anusha Singh Talks With Her Father, Kripal Singh, About Moving to the US, Difficulties, and Accomplishments

Anusha Singh (17) interviews her father, Kripal Singh (47), about his time before immigrating to the US and his experiences acclimating to life in a new country. They also discuss his accomplishments and difficulties, what he appreciates about living in...

AbbyLane and Claudia – Nov. 20, 2023

AbbyLane, a white 20-year-old college student, interviews Claudia, a 45-year-old immigrant from Brazil. They talk about her story, her traditions, and how her childhood and American experience was much different.

Life in a foreign country

Today I Zacharia Mukayess (13) interviewed my Grandma on my dad’s side named Nawall Mukayess (Tete). I asked her about life growing up in Syria and why she moved to the United States. Now that she’s getting to her seventies...