Mugshots: Jeff Parks interview Part I

This is the second part of the interview with Jeff Parks. Jeff came up with the idea of Musikfest, and is serves as the Executive Director of the ArtsQuest Foundation. The word Jeff chose to best describe Musikfest is COMMUNITY.

7 years catch up

Remembering the early days and how he got to be where he is. Learning more about an old friend before its too late.

Gladys Sloan and Renee Grebe

A discussion of family history and general life history.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

My neighbor Mr. Koehler shared with me the story of his childhood and his life growing up. He shared his proudest moments and happiest times. He told the story of his father and brother in the armed forces and how...

A Father’s Story

My father, Jon Slagel, and I discussed his life prior to having children. He spoke about how he spent his time as a child, what jobs he had before taking on a full career, and what his journey to marrying...

Mugshots: Ben Fortunado Marcune

Ben Fortunado Marcune is an artist who has painted many paintings of Musikfest since 1984. His one word to describe Musikfest is PEOPLE-FRIENDLY.

Mugshots: David Yanoshik

David has been attending Muskfest since it first began in 1984 when he was fresh out of college! David's word that he chose to best describe Musikfest is VOLUNTEERISM.