The Most Important Moments In Life

In this interview, Evelyn, my grandmother, talked about her childhood memories and how she learned how to use her patience. The one thing she said was “never ever step down.” This phrase means you can be anything you want to...

Ariana and Anabel

Me and my mother just talking about how its like to be a mother.

Service Learning Project

My mom explained some of the hardships she faced in her childhood years as well as some historical events she experienced.

Gramma Rocque

A wonderful conversation with my mom about her life and raising 8 kids.

Aunt Annie Interview

We talked about my cousin, and her child hood. We also talked about things we want to do in the future.

Good guy Jim

We talked about his life now and his life as a kid

Service learning Interview with my grandma part 1

Well as talked about me and grandma talked about her life and our life spent as a family.Aswell as the good and bad times that faced our way.

Dad’s interview, 2018

I spoke with my father about his experience immigrating to the United States and childhood in India.

Historical Interview Project

Dan talks about his experiences with war, segregation, the pandemic, and offers some advice for future generations.

My dads views

He tells me his memories and past life and tells me to live it to the fullest and make sure i make good choices

Jose Hernandez story corps with Josefina Ramirez

This is about a women who doesn’t forget where she comes from and talks about her roots .

Progress and Paradox

John told me about his life and how he grew up in Japan and was involved in the Marines. He told me all about his family and the impact that they have had in his life. He was a very...

Alice Flores thanksgiving interview

Childhood life and what her life was like with her parents and grand parents and her reaction to children and ancestor immigrations

An Interview of my Grandmother: Life from the 1950s to the 2000s

Makenna Turner interviews her grandmother, Barbara Furlong, about her life from her childhood in the 1950s/60s to her adulthood in the 1970s to 2000s. Barbara recounts her time growing up in Hollywood, California and the influences of the Cold War...