me and my grandpa

i learned a lot about my grandfather throughout his 78 years of life

Mom’s 75th Year: Early Childhood Memories of Growing Up in San Diego Post WWII

A special interview with my Mother about her memories of early childhood growing up in San Diego, post WW II.

“It was difficult growing up under a Dictatorship Government…”

His grandfather was a priest who has the ability to create relationships between spirits/demons and human. Because his father fought for Burma's independence against the British and was a leader for Civil Rights Movement under a Dictatorship government, my uncle...

9/11 and the Polish folk

Paolo Pesce speaks to PJ Pesce about 9/11. During the interview, PJ talks about friends that were in New York at the time, where he was, and much more! This interview was recorded on 1/6/20. Paolo was 15, and PJ...

Back to the past

My grandmother, Sandra tells about her wonderful life from the 40s til now.

Sartaj S. Mathur

S. Mathur discusses growing up in Delhi during the 1940s and the struggles that came with it.