In The Mind of My Mom

In this interview, conducted in November 2018 in Lafayette, New Jersey, Sammi Gasparini (18) interviews her mother Stacey Gasparini (49). Stacey talks about her love for her husband and daughter. She also gives advice and talks about important happy memories...

An Interview with Dave Holt
January 16, 2018 App Interview

Kevin Kim (17) interviews his English tutor Dave Holt (69) about his childhood in a small town in Canada. Mr. Holt shares his story about living throughout the Cold War. He talks about his native American heritage experience. At minute...

All Of The Universe Is All In This One Moment (Part 1)

We talked about her childhood and the struggles that she faced growing up. As well as where her life has taken her now. We talked about the people and events that have influenced her life as well as the harder...

My Dad’s Experience During the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

My dad reflects on what it was like when the Soviet Union Invaded his home country, Afghanistan, in 1979. He was 9 years old when Russian tanks rolled into his city, and his family was forced to flee their country.

War time views with my grandmother

We start off with the cold war era conflicts and issues. Then we delve into current conflicts and issues

Teaching is a lifestyle

This is an interview about my moms best friend and what she does for a career and how it has impacted her life.

Teacher in the Philippines

Grace Silab speaks of her experience as a teacher in the Philippines

Interview with Ariana Sosa

This is an interview I did with my friend and classmate Ariana Sosa. We covered many things like hobbies and memories!

How social media changed

I interviewed my neighbor on how social media changed from the early 2000s to now

Learning: What Works, What Doesn’t

Me and my aunt discuss her former profession as a teacher. It should be noted that I experienced a strange error with my phone while recording this: at one point it stated that it had stopped recording abruptly, so I...

Interview with Vietnam Navy Veteran

I interviewed my grandpa, he was in his 20s during 1960. He was drafted into the Navy during the Vietnam War, but was never on the battlefield. He talks about his life during the 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement, the...

9/11 interview

An interview about what 9/11/01 was like for someone who was alive the day of the event and his feelings about it afternoon


We talked and shared about the issues we feel happy and happy in life. We share with each other what we have been through and are trying and we feel happy to know each other.

Military Vet Podcast- Matthew Kuesel + Steven Kuesel

Experiences while serving in the United States Military during last days of the Cold War era and the first days conflict in the Middle East.

College/Career Counselor Interview

Today, I interviewed my school's first ever college and career counselor, Miss Linda Mehas. She has been the backbone and rock of the schools job fairs and scholarships and today we will talk about her time at West Clermont and...

TIB with my mom

My mom answered my prepared questions, and then we talked more about the recovery but in a broader view, like what our country as a whole did to support it. I can provide a more specific translation

Cold War with Neal Stine

My uncle described his experience working with the US government during the time of the Cold War.

Interview with my Grandmother

My grandmother and I discuss her life as a teacher and traveller who hailed from Birmingham, Alabama