Her Long Busy Life #Classof2025

Grandmom’s family came from Hungary through Ellis Island. Her father passed when she was 4, so her mother worked hard to raise 3 girls in a time period where this was not normal. Charlotte grew up and married and had...

A Father’s Story

My father, Jon Slagel, and I discussed his life prior to having children. He spoke about how he spent his time as a child, what jobs he had before taking on a full career, and what his journey to marrying...

My Omas story!

I got to share stories that is near and dear to my heart although there are many more, you now have a glimpse into my Omas life. She's a living history book and I'm soo lucky to have her.-"Love you...

Lizzie Hessek and Veronica Fischmann Talk About Stability and Drama During a Pandemic.

Lizzie Hessek (31) and Veronica Fischmann (32) - best friends since ages 11 and 12 - talk about their current lives during the COVID-19 pandemic. Veronica is back living in her childhood home, Lizzie is living alone for the first...