Family history with Grandma

This interview is about my grandparents and their family history before I came into this world.

Grandmother Ngyuyen’s Life in the Philippines & the Impact of the Vietnam War

My grandmother and I talked about her life in Vietnam before the Vietnam War. Then we talked about how it impacted her life and how she came to live in the Philippines.

Historical methods interview with Mom

My mom is a loving person but does not like to show emotion or admit to them. I realized it would be difficult to try and get depth into her answers

Josh Higginson interviewing his grandma and grandpa

I interview mostly my grandpa with help from my mom and grandma. We talk about where he grew up, his time in the air Force, meeting my grandma, and moving to America.

Emilie Moore and her grandfather Howard Moore Jr. discuss family, military life, and important life lessons.

In this interview conducted over the phone (in Greenville, SC and Charleston, SC) on November 27th, 2017, Emilie Moore (13) interviews her grandfather about his life and the early life of her father. Mr. Moore shares stories about his work...

Vietnam Story with Pop Pop

An interview with my 72 year old grandfather. He is a Captain US Army Retired. This is his Vietnam Story