Sunday Afternoon

Vi Hiser talks about her childhood, family, and her husband. She reminisces about her mentors and career.

My Grandfather’s Life

My grandfather talked about his childhood and what life was like for him to grow up on a farm. We also discussed where life took him after his childhood

Jane Clemmer shares about her childhood, love of her life, motherhood, and words of wisdom for future generations.

Jane Clemmer shares about being the only girl growing up, blind dates that turn into life long marriages, and the importance of family and friends. Stories about her children and grandchild are not only meaningful, but delightful.

My mom’s childhood

My mom and I reviewed her childhood experiences.

A Glance Down Memory Lane

This year for Thanksgiving, some of our family came down from Indiana. I didn't know them that well, so I decided that I wanted to interview them and get to know them more by learning about their childhood.