“What trait do you see in yourself that you passed down to me?”

My brother and my mom have been very close, and they talked to each other a lot more often and more easily than I talked to my mom. My brother has moved out and with that my mom and I...

Robert Resnick and Audrey Resnick

Bob Resnick (87) talked with his daughter-in-law Audrey Resnick (61) about his childhood memories in Los Angeles, his courtship and marriage to Renee, and his experiences in the Navy Reserve, stationed in Hawaii (while Hawaii was still a territory).

Kevie's Life

This is an interview about my grandfather's life. This interview includes what he likes to do which is coaching basketball and being a photographer and how that lifestyle has effected him, and why he enjoys doing it.

Aunt Wanda (sibling number #8)

My Aunt wanda had a few choice words for the tourists flooding Floridas beaches, Governor DeSantis and Donald Trump. When it comes to the virus she refuses to go down without a fight. Aunt Wanda has entered "Walking Dead Mode"...

Thanksgiving interview with my Grandma

My grandma spoke about her childhood and what has led her to where she is today. She also spoke on how she feels about the current situation that our country is in, and the advice she has for future generations.

Raul Ballesteros and Vanessa Ballesteros

Raul Ballesteros (73) talks with his daughter, Vanessa Ballesteros (37), about his childhood in a rural village in the Philippines and his experience immigrating to the US and starting a new life raising his family.

Fuming in the Pandemic

Hannya Kandil (16) talks with her brother, Ahmad Kandil (14) about the several months of quarantine during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Aiden Briesacher and Kelly Barnes

Aiden Briesacher: 2020-11-29 21:07:51 Aiden Briesacher (17) speaks with her Aunt, Kelly Barnes (50), about her life. Travel experiences in India, Japan, London, China, Australia and more as well as childhood memories, life in different countries, and a surprise reveal...