Akili Brown and Alexis Peskine

Akili Brown talks to his friend Alexis Peskine about their time at Howard University together, the Jamaican school system, their favorite music and how they want to be remembered.

“I thought you loved me, I thought I’m your own flesh and blood”

The person I interviewed talks about the struggles of coming out/not being straight. (This is not a Ted talk.)

Why do I like Aquaman instead of Wonder Woman? I didn’t know what was ‘wrong’ with me.

David Radford first had an inkling that he was gay at eight years old. While watching Super Friends, he found himself attracted to Aquaman – not Wonder Woman, like his friends. David discusses the Shreveport gay party scene, Southern Decadence,...

Interview with Pap!

Today I got the opportunity to interview my pap! We covered things from when he was a kid to now. Things he did in the navy and when he was a police officer and some of his memories! We also...

Art of the short story interview

We talked a lot about his family and friends and how they have became a big part and big role in who he is today

Recording – 09-15-2023 12:31:52
September 18, 2023 App Interview

A short interview between friends about one's experience as a dual credit student her senior year of high school and how it prepared her for college.

September 14, 2023 App Interview

interviewing a friend graphic design major about her last life.

Bestfriend Talk

Learning a little more insight on my best friends beliefs and views in the LGBTQ community.

Interview with Juliana Chavarro

Interview was with Juliana Chavarro, age 19, and Daniela Semino, age 18. Semino was the interviewer and Chavarro was the Interviewee. They have been best friends since 7th grade, 6 years. In the interview they discuss childhood, school, and mental...