Angelina Romero and Mom

This interview was conducted in our kitchen a few days after Thanksgiving. It’s between Angelina Romero and Yvonne Medina. (Mother and daughter) These questions include favorite memories, important people, and more. Enjoy!

PBS Interview

We talked about my grandpa’s life.

About My Mother

We talked about my moms’ favorite memories with the family and went on to speak about other happy instances regarding our family.

The Life of a Music Producer

A brief glimpse of the creative process and mind of a music producer.

AP gov hw interview

This interview was about to understand the background of my grandpa and what he has been through.

Interview with Lori Furtora

This is an interview with Lori Furtora themed about childhood, teenage years, and memories.

An Interview with Dave Holt
January 16, 2018 App Interview

Kevin Kim (17) interviews his English tutor Dave Holt (69) about his childhood in a small town in Canada. Mr. Holt shares his story about living throughout the Cold War. He talks about his native American heritage experience. At minute...

“I thought you loved me, I thought I’m your own flesh and blood”

The person I interviewed talks about the struggles of coming out/not being straight. (This is not a Ted talk.)

Uncle Gary Lazzara: From the Past to the Future

After over 10 years of pancake-filled breakfasts and festive holidays with him, Felicity finally decided it was time to give back. For the first time in a long time coming, she decided to put her Uncle Gary in the spotlight....

My Amazing Mom

A looks into a mother’s past and what her life was like, following up to the birth of her children and her life now. A great person who shows nothing but love and care towards the people she loves the...

Great Thanksgiving Listen

i asked some questions about what i was like growing up and some questions about my moms childhood

Interview With My Grandma

We talked about my mom and significant events in my grandma's life. My grandma also gave some words of wisdom to her great great grandchildren.

Mugshots: Lindsey and Christine Jancay

Mother and daughter, Christine and Lindsey, have made it a tradition to come to Musikfest every year. Christine loves the food and music, and Lindsay shares how Musikfest helped her discover a love and interest in history and Bethlehem's storied...

Why do I like Aquaman instead of Wonder Woman? I didn’t know what was ‘wrong’ with me.

David Radford first had an inkling that he was gay at eight years old. While watching Super Friends, he found himself attracted to Aquaman – not Wonder Woman, like his friends. David discusses the Shreveport gay party scene, Southern Decadence,...

The Evolution of the Music Industry

I am an 18 year old college student interviewing my mother, Audrey Coulbourn, regarding how the music industry has evolved over the past 50 years.