My first patient with what became known as AIDS

In 1981, I saw a young gay man with big lymph was the start of GRID/AIDS.

Buddy program for individuals with HIV/AIDS in the early days

Establishing the buddy program in the late 1980s for individuals with HIV/AIDS in the Midwest. Discusses challenges and how the community addressed those challenges.

Interview with a Shanti Emotional Support Volunteer

I interview Bob, who volunteered at Shanti, an AIDS emotional support organization, from 1984-1990. He talks about the emotional intimacy, the change in the LGBTQ community, and one of his first clients.


This interview is me talking to my mom about her brother and his experience with aids in the 80s and 90s

Brian Scott-Smith and Doctor Anthony Fauci talk about HIV/AIDS turning 40 in 2021

British journalist, Brian Scott-Smith talks with Doctor Anthony Fauci about HIV/AIDS turning 40 in 2021 and how it impacts those living and aging with the disease. The interview was recorded for the news podcast - Connecticut East This Week and...

Monnie Who Was Not Afraid

91 year old Monnie talks about her life of activism and how she was inspired by her parents who part of the suffrage movement.