Book Talk: Ian Drury & Allegra Dugan discuss literature, benefits of reading, and timeless novels.

Drury and Dugan discuss the challenges of finding one’s path in the world, blooming in the face of darkness, and influencial people and events. Also mentioning various books that have stuck with them and hopes for the future.

Novel Wisdom: Lauren Keating and Stephanie Keating talk books, life lessons and what books can teach you.
September 13, 2018 App Interview

In this recording Lauren Keating and her mother Stephanie Keating discuss the most influential books in Stephanie’s life and why she recommends certain books. Interview flips around minute 9.

Lit Life: Mitchell Anderson and James Anderson discuss the relevance and significance of two novels.

In this recording, son and father discuss the life lessons and takeaways from the two books “The Picture of Dorian Gray” written by Oscar Wilde and “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” by Ken Kesey, and also how much of...

To Kill A Mockingbird Discussion: Bianca Pope & Nicolette Pope discuss the novel and their takeaways from it.

In this recordimg, Nicolette and her mother, Bianca, debrief through the novel “To Kill A Mockingbird” and discuss the biggest takeways, themes, characters, and more.

Novel Discussion: Leia and Evans Pappas analyze the development of “The Shadow of the Wind” by Carlos Ruiz Zafon
December 11, 2018 App Interview

Leia Pappas and her father, Evans Pappas, discuss the relationships and themes present in “The Shadow of the Wind” while also mentioning why Evans recommended the book to Leia initially.

The Show with Conor Dunne

In today’s inaugural episode of season one, Conor interviews guest Alison Albelda to discuss Fiction, important books to read and life.