Mugshots: Sandy and Jay

Sandy and Jay discuss how they met each other at Musikfest and are now married. Musikfest is a family tradition for them and they go every year. Sandy says Musikfest is "the best" while Jay would describe it as AWESOME.

Mugshots: Sharon and Craig

Sharona and Craig say they came to Musikfest because friends told them about this band performing (A John Lennon cover band) and have been coming ever since. They love the diversity of the music and the atmosphere of Musikfest. Their...

Mugshots: Maureen & Sharon

Maureen and Sharon discuss how Musikfest helped rebuild Bethlehem and creates a sense of community. Their words to describe Musikfest are CREATIVE and GRATEFUL.

Mugshots: Nanette and Bobby

Nanette and Bobby moved to Bethlehem 9 years ago because of Musikfest. They remember seeing great music groups as well as how easily Musikfest can flood. Their word to describe Musikfest is ENERGY.

My Grandfather’s Life

My grandfather talked about his childhood and what life was like for him to grow up on a farm. We also discussed where life took him after his childhood

My grandmas childhood memories

We talked about her childhood and people that made her childhood special

Oral US History Project

My grandma, or Nany as I call her, talks about her life growing up in Massachusetts, and my mom as a kid.