2022 Great Thanksgiving interview
November 28, 2022 App Interview

Olivia Lovett (16) talks with her great uncle Al Bennett (84) about his life in the military, how he met his wife, his career after that, what family means to him and opinions about the world

sweet memories

my mom and her partner have been together for 4+ years. his family has been incredibly warm to us and welcoming, and i interviewed his parents ( both 77 ) for a school project and as a way to get...

A Trip Down Memory Lane with Kendrick and Special Guest

Mr. Chuck and Mrs. Cindy have officially been married for 30+ years. Today, I had the chance to talk to Mr. Chuck about some of his earliest memories with the love of his life!

Molly Peacock and Michael Groden

Poet Molly Peacock (73) talks with her husband, Michael Groden (73), a James Joyce scholar, about their sixty-year love story that was interrupted for twenty years. They talk about ongoing love, Mike's melanoma, the novel Ulysses, and the parallel lives...

Love @ the Corner of Happy & Healthy

Love story of two #Walgreen's employees in 1968. They were pioneers; he was the first African American auditor and she was the first African American cashier in the Houston area.