Interview with tia becky

My aunt talks about her young life, her experiences that have shaped her, and much more.

Interviewing my grandma about her life

Special guest talks about her childhood and experiences in India, her job experience, and her transition from India to America. My grandma can’t speak English fluently so I will be translating what she is saying.

Entrevista Con Mi Tía

En esta entrevista, mi tía me cuenta sobre la leyenda de La Siguanaba.

The great thanksgiving listen

I interviewed my Tia Cristal. One reason why I interviewed my Tia is because she is very successful.

interview part 2

this is part 2, the first one did not turn out long enough and it wouldn’t let me add a question to make it longer so this is part 2! We talked about the last time she cried and why.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen Assignment

I interviewed Hayley on her childhood, accomplishments, most fond and vivid memories, and other aspects of growing up. 20 years is definitely an in-between age where you're exploring your independence yet still feel like a child at times. It was...