Lee Kempf’s childhood in Madison, Wisconsin and his Military service.

Lee Kempf talks about his childhood in Madison, Wisconsin during the depression and his military service in Okinawa.

The Great Thanksgiving Listen

We talked about her life and when she was younger. She also talked about some of our family members, my mom when she was younger

Old Coach Keeps On Coaching

The Guinness World Record holder Elan Buller, was interviewed my Luca España on November 17th 2017. Elan Buller had once been the elementary school physical education coach for Luca, between his 1st and 6th grade years. Luca and Buller became...

Part one of Interview for RRS 110

Unfortunately, someone called me in the middle of my interview and it cut off the recording so I will be posting a part two. We talked a lot about fitness and nutrition because that is what interests me a lot....

Interview with my mom about my childhood

My mom talks about how my brothers taught me how to ride a bike at age 3, and how they influenced me to be the person I am today.

A Graceful Man, Manuel Carrizalez SR.

My Grandpa, is a man who defies his age by doing things that make him feel young at heart. He always radiates with positivity and is a very inspirational role model. His smile is infectious and his essence always brightens...

Ashley interviews her gymnastics coach, Lauren.

In this interview at a church gym in Middletown on November 27th, 2017, Lauren Coleman, Ashley Wang’s long-time gymnastics coach, talks about her experiences with the sport. She also provides her insight on the sport itself, and some words of...

Part two of interview for RRS 110

This was part two. We talked about sports and fitness but got side track on his passion which is writing. I ended up asking a bunch of questions about that because I got very interested in it.