Isaac Thomas McClanahan Jr.

In this interview my grandfather Isaac Thomas McClanahan Jr. talks about his childhood and teenage years in Bakersfield, CA through his family, young love and life experiences.

Interview with my mom

We talked about life. My life when I was a baby/toddler & my mom’s life when she was younger.

Having a brother with Autism.

In this interview, I asked questions of Nicolas Faucette. Nicolas is a younger sibling of CJ who has Autism. We are being to see his insight of what it is like to be a sibling of a child with special...

Catching Up with my Sister

My sister, Vanessa, and I talk about our childhood memories and what we see in our futures.

StoryCorp Final

Overall, the questions made Teresa emotional because she had to think about the heart hitting ones. I learned a lot about her.

Interview with Mom

My mother talked about family her family, memories, and hopes and wishes


Interview with my grandma about her life,especially with my grandpa.