Personal Narrative Interview

Our teacher, Ms.Kosover assigned us to interview our partner and ask about the topic, they chose for their personal narrative and other questions.


We talked about our family history.

Tim Towslee and Allison Swingle

[Recorded January 31, 2021] Tim Towslee, 44, and Allison Swingle, 31, participate in a One Small Step conversation via Zoom. They talk about their work in outdoor education, the impact of having a parent pass away, how their political views...

Part Two: Maria speaks of transition, settling into Richmond, and her dreams of bringing more Mexican culture to her adopted city!

Part one of two: Maria sits down with Alison and translator Kaitlyn to talk about family, her move to Richmond, and ways she believes we can incorporate more Mexican culture into the town she has grown to love and appreciate!

My Mom

What was talked about was family and people who influenced others in diffrent ways

“The hardest person to come out to was myself” Siobhan and Erin interview Anne and Mary

Anne and Mary have been married 30 years. Their niece Siobhan and her wife Erin interview them about their journey coming out to themselves and their families and building their lives together.