Personal Narrative Interview

Our teacher, Ms.Kosover assigned us to interview our partner and ask about the topic, they chose for their personal narrative and other questions.

“We got it down to a science- everyone had a job”- Lee Stienbarger reflects on his years as coach of the Indiana Thump Jumpers

Lee Stienbarger (a.k.a. "Mr. S.") and Alison talk about the history of Richmond's competitive jump rope team- the Indiana Thump Jumpers, and how he functioned as a coach and trailblazer in a sport that was unknown to much of the...


We talked about our family history.

Tim Towslee and Allison Swingle

[Recorded January 31, 2021] Tim Towslee, 44, and Allison Swingle, 31, participate in a One Small Step conversation via Zoom. They talk about their work in outdoor education, the impact of having a parent pass away, how their political views...

“Richmond is a perfect place to get started in life”- Caleb talks about discovering Richmond and “growing” the Richmond Farmer’s Market

Caleb Smith tells us about why he settled in Richmond after his college career at Earlham, his vision for the growing Farmer's Market, and what he appreciates about small town living.

Part 1- Retired Attorney Andy Cecere talks about his life and journey to Richmond

From a young age, Andy was motivated to create change. In this three part interview, Alison hears about his childhood, his time in the service, his path to Earlham and his life in Richmond. We also learn about those who...

“I had a dream to be someone”: Rogelio talks about his life in the US

Rogelio, a Richmond community member, talks with Alison about his early struggles, those who helped him succeed in school, and his passion for working hard to accomplish his goals.