My mom’s life

I interviewed my mom and talked about her life in the present and in the past

La Mexicana

In this sit down with my mother we talked about her early life in Mexico, her time in the United States, and how important love is to the world. Being a good person and sharing your purpose with the world...

Recuerdos de niña

In this interview we talked about my mom's childhood memories things she would have changed in her life if she had the chance to and advice she would give to future parents and to her kids.

“Be independent”

Simple, easy-going conversation with my mom.

Should Trump build the wall?

Asked Sarah about the wall being built between the USA and Mexico

My Grandmother’s legacy

The interview was about what my grandma experienced when she was younger and when she came to America. She had trouble when she came to America because of the language and crossing the border.

The Thanksgiving Listen- inter mom

We talked about how her life was before. Also how she was before she moved to California. Another thing is why she move to California.

Mom’s Interview

It was interview based on how she sees life after a few events and how she met my father.

Cinthya Vazquez- Service Learning Project

I talked with my dad about his life growing up. I learned in depth what kind of values he held onto, and his best wishes for me when I keep on growing.

A daughter & her father

In this interview, conducted in April 21 2020 in Anaheim, California, Michelle Torres interviews her father Miguel Torres about his childhood, his family and how he came into this country illegally. Miguel shared stories about moments with his mother changing...

Mom and daughter

We talked about her life and traditions and what she wanted to do when she was older. She also told me about her happiest moments in life like when she got married and the birth of her 3 daughters.

Interview with my Mom: Maria Patricia Carmona Godinez

In this interview with my mother, she discusses her life story. In Spanish she touches upon how living in Mexico was, how her life had fallen apart and needed to rebuild it so that she could provide to het family.

My dad’s life

My fathers takes me through his life. The happiest/saddest moments etc.

Giovanni and Maria talk about Maria life who is part of the X generation. ” I am the first in my family to get a college degree.”

My moms childhood life leading up to what she is today. Her relationship with her family and how they seem her being the youngest of her family. I covered my mothers childhood, parents, work, exceptions that others had on her,...

Mi Abuelita Nacha y su vida

i talked to my grandmother about her life from when she was a child to when she got married and had children and how modern the world is today

Vague questions with Rebecca lara

I’m this interview I interviewed my interesting of a character father, Erik lara. The questions were vague but got to the point (somewhat). We talked about religion, parents, me (of course), and his love life with my mom which got...

Ulises and how he grew up with gratitude.
November 19, 2018 App Interview

Ulises was born in America, but through this toddler years, he learned a lot about taking care of others and himself.

Interview with Grandma

My grandma’s interview was very interesting and gave me more personal insight into her life of 68 years. I will cherish these memories and share with my children in the future.

Interview with my friend

I have a short interview with my friend, he tell a little about his life.

Anna Paloma Williams and Luz Kenyon

Anna Paloma Williams (32) asks her mother, Luz Kenyon (58), about what life was like for her as she immigrated to the United States from Mexico and raised her children in a new country. They also discuss the female role...