Novel Wisdom: Lauren Keating and Stephanie Keating talk books, life lessons and what books can teach you.
September 13, 2018 App Interview

In this recording Lauren Keating and her mother Stephanie Keating discuss the most influential books in Stephanie’s life and why she recommends certain books. Interview flips around minute 9.

Kiernan Lynch and Rachel Fuechtman talk about “A Tale of Two Cities” and why they read books of literary merit

In this recording, Hinsdale Central students Kiernan Lynch and Rachel Fuechtman discuss their thoughts on “A Tale of Two Cities” and how they interpreted the characters and themes.

Kiernan Lynch interviews her grandmother on her love of books and why she likes to read.

In this interview, student Kiernan Lynch asks her grandmother about new literary discoveries as she traveled the world and how books have shaped her perception of the world and herself.

Lit Life: Alyssa Lee and John Naisbitt discuss the novel Life of Pi by Yann Martel.

A student and her former history teacher discuss the argument Life of Pi presents on religion and the power of the human spirit.

Natalie and Robert Holt talk about the importance of Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged
December 10, 2019 App Interview

In this interview Natalie and Robert Holt discuss the importance of the lessons learned in Atlas Shrugged and how they are applicable today.

Don Anderson (my dad!) interviewed my Annie Anderson (me!) on November 30, 2015 in Philadelphia, PA

Don Anderson discusses his childhood growing up in Chicago, what he's grateful for, and what kind of legacy he will leave to his children and grandchildren.

Novel Wisdom: Sri Chawla and Arya Chawla talk about books, literary merit, and why we read.
September 14, 2018 App Interview

In this recording, high school student Arya Chawla talks with her mother Sri about the most pivotal novel she has read, and what she would recommend high school students to read.