Jennifer and Michael

We talked about what it was like for her in the past and the significance of certain things that have happened around her.

Interview with my friends Anaïs

We discuss few things about her life , childhood and family and relationships

An Interview with Mom

My Mom is Brigitta Woodward, born and raised in Kalrsruhe, Germany, and 59 years young. My parents married in Germany when my mom was 32, and she left her life there to move to upstate New York with my siblings...

Things about Daddy

Father/daughter q&a with daughter interviewing. Questions about childhood, family, military service and parenthood.

Generation Next

The eighties, a time of bright colors, classic movies,Michael Jackson, and a decade of fun for all. Colbe Thomas interviews his father Brandon Thomas, a man from New Orleans about his struggles in the 80s (5:25-6:32) and how he met...