Lit life: Jana Zogbi and Liana Zogbi talk about how redemption is discussed in literature

In this recording, two sisters discuss the character development and relationships of the characters in the book The Kite Runner

Lit Life: Phillip Borhani and Carter Smith discussing “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee.

In this interview, Phillip Borhani and fellow classmate Carter Smith discuss the topics of addressing stereotypes and social norms as well as the idea of morality versus justice in the book “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee.

Lit Life: Lauren Zelisko and Caroline Booras discuss the emotional themes within The Kite Runner.

In this recording, two friends discuss the life-changing effects of war and abuse, as well as the the values within Afghan culture learned from Khaled Hosseini’s novel, The Kite Runner.

Lit Life: Jacob Brown and Stephanie Yuskis discuss The Color Purple and how its themes relate to today’s world.

In this recording, a mother and son discuss how Alice Walker’s novel provides unique and interesting perspectives on this issues of rape, abusive relationships, and sexuality.