The Story Of My Dad’s Life

My dad talks about his life as a child and his experiences throughout life overall including his migration to America. Also, he talks about what I was like as a child and what he would like in the future.

Grandpa Talks About his Amazing Life Experiences

My grandpa, Jack French, talks about his childhood and significant experiences in his life. He talks about his first job as a paperboy as well as his enjoyable time in high school. Grandpa also describes how he met Grandma and...

Marianne (Mom)

We talked about my mom as a kid as well as how I was as a kid. We talked about parenting and school and a whole bunch of other topics.

Interviewing my Mom and Nana

Today I interviewed my mom, Wendy, and my nana, Linette. We recorded this interview in Wisconsin but my nana was on zoom due to the Corona Virus. It was recorded on November 15, 2020. We talked about their childhood, their...

More About Mimi

This interview was all about my grandmother. She lived a great life and has so many wonderful memories.