Learning about Mom and her past.

In this interview conducted by Isaac Morales conducted on November 14 2020 we learn about his mother’s past. Norma Parra tells his son about what her life was when she was younger and how it made her who she is.

Interviewing my Hispanic mother, Luz.

I interviewed my Hispanic mother. I asked her insightful questions which range from discussing her immigration status to her religious beliefs.

interview with mom (florence catania)

My mom and I talked mostly about her childhood and what her life was like since she lived in France and England. I also learned a lot about my grandparents and what their life was like.

Our Grandmother

Here i interview my grandmother, as her granddaughter i ask her a set of 15 questions and she tells me about herself and how she grew to be the women she is today.

I talk to my grandmother about her life, childhood, memories, etc.

We talked about my grandmother and her childhood. It was kind of emotional for me. This interview took place on November 25 2018. It took place at my living room and it was a Skype call from Manhattan Beach to...

Interview with grandpa

On December 10th Anabella Wade interviewed her grandfather Jorge Leyva. He lived in Tijuana and went to school learning English. In Tijuana he met his love juanita Leyva and moved to America and had 5 children.

Aydan and Aunt Paddy

I interviewed my aunt from my dads side. I asked her a lot about her childhood and what it was like growing up with my dad.

Choose the Right with all Your Might and Things May Go Your Way

Today I talked with my sweet mom Melinda and got to know some more details about her childhood and young adulthood. She discusses good memories in her life from summers in Kansas to work and raising her kids.

My Aunt’s Nursing Journey

November 26, 2020, recorded in the Bay Area, California by Sophia Goyena; I interview my aunt, Rose Castro, on her journey to becoming a nurse, and her current experience as a nurse- as well as some career and nursing advice.

Julie Kaufman and Beth Wright for Stonewall OutLoud

Beth and Julie tell Karen about falling in love at Oberlin College, moving to California and later Chicago for graduate school, finding a welcoming Episcopalian church, having a ceremony, beginning their journey to have children during the AIDS epidemic, becoming...

LaQuesha Wiley and John Espinosa

One Small Step conversation partners LaQuesha Wiley (34) and John Espinosa (25) talk about their families, what it means to be a "moderate," vaccine hesitancy, and how COVID-19 has brought communities together

Enrique’s Interview

Enrique talked about himself. Enrique also talked about his values and explained situations

Sarah Valentine and Marcel Woodruff

One Small Step conversation partners Sarah Valentine (42) and Marcel Woodruff (40) talk about their families, faith journeys, and hopes for Fresno as a place of thriving.

Growing up in California with Immigrant Parents

Speaking to Alicia Soto about her childhood growing up in California with Immigrant parents. This was recorded in Orange California in April 23, 2020. Alicia is 44 who came to the United Stated when she was 3 and tells her...

“If You Want To Survive, Then Survive”; One Man in a Big City

In this interview Bruce talks about his childhood, and how his experience in living in New York impacted his lifestyle here in California.

Developmental Psychology Interview

In this interview, Dakotah (20F) asks her grandmother Wendy (71F) questions about her life. We discuss Wendy’s good and bad memories, life as a teenage mom, and thoughts about the world.

Mother and I

My mother and I talked about some hard memories, religion and how I got through middle school.

Portola High School – Principal John Pehrson and sophomore Saachi Pavani

Mr. Pehrson, Principal of Portola High School in Irvine, CA, speaks with sophomore Saachi Pavani about his journey to becoming the principal of a new state of the art high school. The conversation highlights how the staff helps students feel...

“Being Jewish, I have sort of an outsider’s perspective”

In this interview, conducted on December 15th, 2023, in Santa Monica, California, Andrew Bernknopf (60) talks with his son, Leo Bernknopf (15) about how his Jewish religion and faith in God has shaped his perspective of the world. He shares...