“His entire unit got wiped out.”

He was born in Egypt, but he became a U.S. citizen and served in the military here. As a licensed counselor and director of the Veterans Center at Lee College in Baytown, Texas, Ehab Mustafa has made a difference in...

Glenda Bustillos and Destiny Guerra

Friends Glenda Bustillos (22) and Destiny Guerra (24) discuss their work in voter and student engagement at the University of Texas at El Paso and the lessons they have learned from their work.

Elena Palacios and Victoria Nevarez

Friends and colleagues Elena Palacios (43) and Victoria Nevarez (24) discuss life on the border, their work with Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center, and their hopes for the future.

Sheila Roddy and [No Name Given] [No Name Given]

Sheila Roddy (75) and her One Small step partner [No Name Given] [No Name Given] (65) discuss their upbringing, the kindest people in their lives, and their thoughts on the United States - Mexican border.

Sundra Flansburg and Robin Bumbera

One Small Step partners, Sundra Flansburg (63) and Robin Bumbera (60), share about their experience as mothers, what they find important, and how visiting Central American and Caribbean countries have shaped their views about politics and poverty.