A Farm Boy at Heart

In this interview I spoke with my dad about his experiences growing up on a farm. He also spoke about how it made him the person he is today and how it has helped him with his career path.

Oral History Project With my Dad

This interview is for an Oral History Project for my Creative Writing class. I am recording this interview in Miami, Florida for Saint Brendan High School. In this interview with my dad, Jose Cisneros, I dive into topics such as...

Oral History Project with Mom

My mother and I talked about how it was for her as a child growing up. Then we transitioned to questions about how it feels to be a parent herself.

Sibling Food Talk

I am Madison Leon, 21, interviewing my sister Sydney, 24. In this thought-provoking interview, we delve into the intricate relationship that exists between an individual and their relationship with food. Sydney opens up about her journey with food from childhood...

Living During a Time of Civil Disparity

My mother, Janet Lynn Coleman (Crawford) tells about her life, as a black child, growing up in the Deep South during a time of overt racism, bigotry, and segregation.

Southern Great Grandmother Talk about life In The South With Granddaughter

Having a conversation with my Great Grandmother about her life in the south. Talk about childhood, wife life, having children, raising her children as a wife. Learning about how different our lives were and how much she been through during...